March 2006 - USA

USA | Lake Ontario| Sodus Point Marina , NY |Crossing Crew: Judy, Larry, Mike, Sally Al
March 24
Spring Break Al and I loaded down our van and headed for NY to work on Artemis.We bought a Sailrite zig-zag sewing machine, fabric, monitor, well a full van load. There was hardly room for Al and I. Thanks to Jack Mowry we have St. Lawrence out to St. John's Newfoundland charts. We stopped in Chicago to visit Justin, Chris, and Mary. We went to Shaw's Crab House to celebrate Chris and Mary's engagement. (June 16, 2007)
Sat. March 25
Drove ten hours to Sally's brother Tom and Margaret's house in Mottville, NY. (Skaneatlas) Checked out the purchase we had shipped to NY. New mizzen stay sail (red/white/blue), Fortress FX-55 storm anchor, Balmar 120 amp alternator, Freedom 30 inverter, Centaur 240 charger,
Sun. March 26
Dinner at TJ and Amy's new home.. Aubrey was the star of the show. Megan, Elizabeth, Tom, Margaret, Al and I were in attendance.
Mon. March 27 - Wed. March 29
Drove over to Sodus Pt. to Katlyn Marina to work on Artemis. She was glad to see us. The masts/boom paint job looked great. We installed Centaur 240v European charger and inlet and a Freedom 30 inverter. Success but sore and tired. Shopped for 8 golf cart batteries. ($58 each), new microwave, misc. filters, oil, bulbs. Installed another 15" LCD monitor, made lots of lists.
Thurs. March 30
Cut the hole for the Navtex 300 into the instrument panel. Had some stainless bent for a spray shield over in Cayuga. ($35 for 9 ft) Visited Bass Pro-Shop Took Tom and Margaret to Rosalie's Italian Restaurant for dinner thank you for great food and hospitality. Visited nephew Michael and Crystal's beautiful new home.
Fri. March 31
Left for Chicago for another quick visit and dinner with the boys. Breakfast then on home to Burnsville on Saturday