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October 2017 - Morocco, Canary Islands

October 30, 2017

We left Marina Lanzarote this morning. We didn't have far to go so we were content to have a very slow sail 20 nm to a beautiful anchorage off Isola de Lobos. This is a small island off Fuerteventura Island. Perfect anchorage for the night with a nice white sandy bottom so the water is a lovely Caribbean blue. We went in for a swim and are having seafood pasta for dinner tonight. We'll leave tomorrow morning for Marina Santa Cruz on Tenerife Island about a 130nm passage. We anticipate a morning arrival on Wednesday.

October 29, 2017

We've been busy with lots of boat projects and preparing for our departure from Lanzarote Island. We noticed our VHF antenae was missing from the top of the main mast so we had a young crew member next door go up and replace it for us. All the winches are greased, sikkens applied to eyebrow, repairs to the Moniter windvane.

October 18, 2017

Al was busy at the sewing machine making a new bimini yesterday and today. We already had most of the pieces cutout so 16 hours later it is complete! My job is to hold the canvas so he can feed it through the machine easily. We are so glad we purchased the Sailrite sewing machine before we left home in 2005 as it has saved us a lot of money over the years. Al has done sail repair and many canvas projects on the boat. He even made new cockpit cushions a few years ago. The best was his cockpit enclosure which has made us so comfortable sailing in adverse conditions.

October 16, 2017

Today was Connie and Steve's last day with us on Lanzarote. We drove up to the northern part of the island again this morning. We had an exhilarating experience... It was a bit tight at times on our tour of the caves at Cueva de los Verdes. So glad we decided to check it out as it was well worth a visit. We thendrove up to Orzolo and had a nice lunch. Connie finally got her order of mussels! Yum! Our last stop was an ice cream fix. We had to make two trips to the airport to get people and luggage there. We are sending home our folding bicycles to Minnesota with Connie and Steve and their cases are quite large. It was fun having family aboard to travel with.

October 14, 2017

We wandered uptown last night. We heard music and decided to see what was happening. The crowd was just following the music. First Group by the church then the crowd followed the second band to the boardwalk. The final group was RAP on the bandstand so we had a couple of beers and went home . Today we stopped in at the Arriciefe Saturday market. Then we had a Great day at the beach Playa Blanca and a nice lunch. Connie and I browsed the shops and Connie picked up a couple of things.

October 13, 2017

Fun drive exploring the northern end of Lanzarote today. We stopped in Teguise and walked about the village. The hairpin turns winding down to Haria were reminiscent of the Atlas Mtns in Morocco. We drove up to Mirador del Rio fortress and a lookout point over to Island La Graciosa. We drove back to Haria and had a great lunch on the main square Plaza Leon Castilo. After lunch we went to Jameos del Agua a beautiful tropical garden and underground lagoon. There was an inviting swimming pool but only the King of Spain is allowed to swim in it. We continued on to Orzola at the NE tip of Lanzarote to see the surf, lagoons and beaches. It was low tide and very rocky so we didn't swim. We stopped at Arrieta for dessert at the beach restaurant but it was too busy so happily back aboard Artemis enjoying beer and gin and tonics!

October 11, 2017

We left early this morning dressed to hike the volcano at Timanfaya National Park only it turned out to be an air conditioned bus tour! It was a great tour and then they did a simulation of an erupting volcano and a gave an informative talk. Later we stopped at an excellent 'Visitors Center Museum about Timanfaya Volcano. We had a fantastic fish lunch in La Santa on the east coast of Lanzarote. After lunch we went to the Museo Agricola El Patio wine museum and finished the day at Casa Monumento al Campesino. We were late in the day but earlier in the day you can attend classes for making lace or mojo sauce. We are planning to grill beef/shrimp shish kebobs for dinner tonight.

October 10, 2017

We rented a car for a week on Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Today we drove to the SE beaches had lunch in Puerto Blanca and swam at Papagayo beach. It looked like a nice anchorage off the end of the island so we might stop on our way to Tenerife. Al is grilled the tuna we caught coming from Moracco. Connie made beautiful salads. It's fun to enjoy such nice weather so we can eat dinner in the cockpit.

October 9, 2017

We walked 3 miles to immigration to have our passports stamped this morning but customs wasn't open so we were unable to declare Artemis into the EU. We had enough walking for today so we took a taxi to Lidl's supermarket and back to Artemis. Then after lunch we tried for a different customs office with no luck. We walked around Arrecife and visited the fort. We have a car rented for the next week so we can explore the island.

October 8, 2017

We only had 10 hrs of great sailing out of our 81hr passage. We had some sloppy seas and then two lovely full moon quiet nights motoring. Felt good to pull into the harbor about 2130 last night.We arrived early yesterday morning at Marina Lanzarote on Island Lanzarote in Canary Islands. This will be our home for the next few week. Clean friendly and brand new. Got showers, clean sheets, some laundry done this morning. We had a leisurely lunch , grocery stop and now just catching up on internet. Have to do customs/immigration tomorrow then hope to see some of Arrecife.

October 4, 2017

It took an hour to clear exit formalities from Morocco: customs , police and immigration. We had to move the boat over in front of their office. The customs agent brought a German Shepherd aboard to look for drugs. Then a pilot boat led us out of the harbor and river to the sea. We had to wait until four hours after low before departing. We are heading for Marina Arrecife on Island Lanzarote, Canary Islands about 80 hours.

October 3, 2017

It was our last full day in Morocco so we took a tram to Rabat. We had lunch at Dar Niji and then visited the Medina (Old Town) We bought kebob skewers for the boat and a fish grill in the souk. Al almost bought a new rug/runner for the boat but decided on ice cream instead. Connie found some cute Moroccan house shoes/slippers too.

October 2, 2017

Great day. Kicking back after our travels. Cleaned up the boat, washed some clothes and bought some groceries. Cooked up some meals ahead for our passage to the Canary Islands. We had a beautiful evening. We had surf and turf for dinner. Al grilled our Maui Maui we caught off Portugal and a fantastic steak. We ate in the cockpit with our new Moroccan cockpit lamp spreading ambience over our meal.

October 1, 2017

We wandered around the Souk again this morning. We left our Riad Dar Daoud around noon and took a train back to Rabat/Sale to Artemis. Home safe and sound.

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