April 2008 - Turkey

Turkey | Gochek anchorages | Wall Bay | Artemis tied shore, Lars, Mike S, Ginger and Dick
APRIL 29, 2008
Hi all We had a nice hike yesterday out of Wall Bay near Gocek and met up with friends Dick and Ginger on Alchemy (American) and Banu on Denize II (Turkish/American)We had a nice lunch of different meze's (appetizers) back at Kapi Creek. Then we all went aboard Artemis over to Wall Bay where their boats were anchored. American friends Steve and Pam on Eirene had us all over for drinks. Today Bev, Dick and Ginger went aboard Banu's boat and sailed over to Gocek for supplies. Mike, Al and I hiked over the saddle to Ancient Lydae ruins. What a fantastic hike. Not too hard not too easy and spectacular views. We met up with Steve and Pam for a picnic lunch at the ruins. Then we stopped in on a Turkish family with two young children and they served us chai (Turkish tea). We bought some pine honey from them. We've decided to stay on in Wall Bay for a few days.
Love Sally and Al

Turkey | Gochek anchorages | Wall Bay | Artemis tied shore,

Turkey | Gochek anchorages |Kapi Creek | Bev, Mike and Al at the dock restaurant

Turkey | Gochek anchorages | | Artemis at Kapi Creek Dock
APRIL 28, 2008
Hi all Yesterday we filled our fuel tanks 170 liters (44.8 gallons)costing $415. Ouch! We left Marmaris about 11:00 taking Bev with us. She plans to take a bus back to Marmaris at the end of the week. We had a great sail. It was alot of tacking as we left the harbor but once we turned toward Gocek it was a one tack run. The rain held off until late afternoon. We had two two hour stretches of motoring but the rest of the time we sailed 5.5-7 kts. We arrived in Gocek area about 7:00 and more rain coming so we decided to pull into Kapi Creek anchorage. Smart move. The restaurant in the bay has made docks and laid moorings. So as the rain came in earnest we quickly moored with help ashore and went below. We still grilled burgers but using the George Foreman. We had a cozy night listening to the pitter patter of the rain. We plan to explore the area and then move 2 nm to Wall Bay to meet up with 3 other boats we know in the area. We're going to buy homemade bread and go for a walk.
Love Sally and Al
APRIL 27, 2008
Hi All, We left Kas early Wed. morning and decided to continue on to Marmaris. We arrived about 12 hours later. We had 3 hours of great sailing in 25 kts of wind then the front moved through and it went down to nothing. We surprised Mike Sikorra and Bev as they weren't expecting us until later in the week. I think Mike looked at us 3 times before it registered who we were. We spent the last few days getting estimates for some work we want done and buying a few things. Great time catching up with Bev on Half Moon. She and Tom left Port Superior over 17 years ago to go around the world and have been in Turkey for 2 years. Bev and I take turns making dinner and last night Al grilled leg of lamb. Yum. Today we are leaving Marmaris and sailing toward the Gocek area. Bev will take a bus back when she get tired of our Shenanigans. We join the EMYR on May 6 in Gocek. Remember to use our kc0rmx@artemis-pribyl.org. email address.
Love Sally and Al

Turkey | Kas | Visa Run Gullet leaving for Greece
APRIL 22, 2008
We had a great four hour sail down to Kas on Monday. Imagine a sailboat sailing :-) The quay was full of gullets and fishing boats so we were at anchor with four other boats. Two were from Kemer so we had cocktails and made our plans to go to Kastellorizo Greece for our visa run in the morning. It was another beautiful night at anchorage. Great full moon.

Greece | Kastellorzo | groceries and new Turkish visa

Greece | Kastellorizo| view of harbor
Today we had the "Great visa episode". We paid 35 lira each to ride in a Turkish gullet. We have seen these boats being repaired over the winter and wondered who in their right mind would ever ride in one. These "boats" are made of pine boards and plywood put together with galvanized steel nails (hmm... steel and saltwater). First job upon landing in Greece was bacon and porkchops. Then we had lunch and went for a walk. Very quaint Greek fishing village. The island has a quota of inhabitants that must live there or Greece will lose the island to Turkey. This island is isolated from the rest of Greece and the Turks would love to take possession. The ride back began with one of the Kemer group falling into the water as she boarded the gullet. The waves were sloshing the boat about and they gave her a wooden folding chair to stand on. Next they gave the passengers a glass of wine for the return trip. When we left the bay and the waves hit us broadside. The same woman who fell into the harbor chair went sliding tipping her over and spilling wine everywhere. Finally we were backing into the quay when the throttle handle fell off with the boat in full speed. Fortunately as he fumbled with the throttle one of the Kemer sailers jumped on the helm and steered the boat out of the harbor nearly hitting several boats. We still don't know how we missed them. Everyone was down and bracing themselves for a crash. Whrew... close call. I kissed the ground as I left the "boat". Tomorrow we'll head to an anchorage near Fethiye.
Love Sally and Al
APRIL 20, 2008
Hi all We've been at anchor for 3 days in Kekova Roads about 50 nm west of Kemer. It took about nine hours and we were only able to sail 2 1/2 of that. But it's been sunny and oh so quiet in the bay. Yesterday we took a dingy ride and explored the Byzantine ruins and sunken city. (result of earthquakes during the 2nd century AD)We hiked over sharp rocky terrain for a couple of hours and had a picnic lunch. Today we visited the town of Ucagiz in the bay and bought 3 kilm pillow covers for the boat and a small rug. Again we drove the dingy around and just enjoyed the quiet and beauty of the bay. Tomorrow we'll go to Kas (about 20nm) We have to renew our Turkish visa. We can take a ferry over to Kastellorizon (Greek Island) for a few hours then come back into Turkey renewing our visa for another three months. It'll be a good opportunity to buy beer and wine which are expensive in Turkey and pork which is unavailable. Kas is a cute little town and we look forward to spending some time there again.
Love Sally and Al
APRIL 17, 2008
Hi All Kemer marina put on a great barbecue with free drinks, dancing and games last Saturday. It was great fun to party one last time with our Liveaboard Community here in Kemer. Tomorrow we leave Kemer and begin cruising again so we won't have wireless internet on board any more. I'll start using kc0rmx@winlink.org address for the logs and daily contact but will still use momdad@artemis-pribyl.com for mail when ashore. We plan to work our way up the coast to Marmaris. We'll be meeting Mike Sikorra there next week. He'll be crewing with us on the EMYR. We'll join the rally in Gocek on May 6 and travel back to Kemer before heading east to Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and Egypt. Anyone interested in the rally we are going on can find out more on the EMYR website. Patrick has added some new pictures to oru website also. Happy Spring.
Love Sally and Al
April 10, 2009
We've been busy getting the boat ready to cruise. Al's making a sun cover. We discovered last summer this is a necessity. It's way cooler below if you can keep the sun off the decks. I've been busy with rubbing compound and wax polishing the upper cabin and cockpit. We've managed to get two sails back on. But our projects are time consuming and we want to start cruising soon!
Last night was the last Kemer Quartet (flute, oboe, viola, cello) concert at the Navigator. What a treat to have chamber music in our marina once a month. All four musicians play in the Antalya Symphony orchestra so we see them at the Friday concerts as well.
Boats are preparing to leave Kemer. Some already have. We have a farewell Barbecue this Saturday but on by the marina. Then many boats will depart next week.
Love Sally and Al

Turkey | Cappadocia | Fairy Chimneys

Turkey | Cappadocia | Fairy Chimneys
APRIL 7, 2008
Merhabah We returned late Sunday from four days in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. Over millions of years the land has been shaped into bizarre forms. At times we felt we were on a Disney set or Star Wars. Volcanic eruptions over 70 million years ago made the foundation that was then subject to erosion by rain, rivers and wind. Erosion tore away the softer volcanic rock exposing harder varieties which resulted in formations known as "fairy chimneys". They are conical, pointed, mushroom shaped, and even some looks like it's wearing a hat. I've sent pictures to Patrick so the website should be updated soon.

Turkey | Cappadocia | The Greek Mansion| dining room at our B & B| Carin, Lars and Al

Turkey | Cappadocia | The Greek Mansion | our B & B in Cappadocia
We visited one of the underground cities in Derinkuyu dating back 4000 years. The people of the region farmed and lived above ground but when invading armies came they could safely live up to six month underground. Fascinating how all of the rooms and levels were connected and protected. Not a place for claustrophobia. Over 37 of these cities in the region.
We took a walk in the Ihlara Valley following a stream with high canyon wall above. The trees are just budding but the apricot, cherry, apple and pear trees were in full bloom. Midway along the gorge we stopped for lunch at a restaurant along the stream. We had a great guide and our own bus so we didn't waste time trying to find sites or the best places to visit. We stayed in Mustafapasa in a family owned old Greek Mansion. (Old Greek House) Mom and daughters made us fantastic traditional Turkish meals and Dad and sons served us.

Turkey | Cappadocia | Belisirma Restaurant | lunch stop in Ihlara Valley

Turkey | Cappadocia | Fairy Chimneys

Turkey | Cappadocia | shopping

Turkey | Cappadocia | Fairy Chimneys| snack time